An imperial «thoracatus» from Los Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza)

  • Luis Romero Novella
  • Javier Andreu Pintado
  • María del Mar Gabaldón Martínez
    Universidad CEU San Pablo


The following paper presents a serie of pieces of Roman sculpture in white marble from Carrara attested during summer of 2013 in reused and amortization context right in the forum of the Roman town of Los Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza). Between the pieces presented here particular attention is paid to the central part of a great quality decorated breastplate with images of spolia hostium and to the legs and feet of the sculpture including also other small parts –shoulder, hand and pieces of the pterykes and of the paludamentum– of that one, here considered as part of an unique imperial thoracatus probably from Domitian times according to some parallels and some formal details of the statue itself. That sculpture is here linked with the history of this very singular Flavian municipality of the Caesaraugustan conventus presenting, also, a hypothesis about the primary position of the monument, in one of the scholae of the occidental porticus in the forum of Los Bañales.
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Author Biographies

Luis Romero Novella

Dpto. Historia Antigua- UNED. C/ Senda del Rey, 9 - 28040 Madrid (España)

Javier Andreu Pintado

Dpto. Historia Antigua- UNED. C/ Senda del Rey, 9 - 28040 Madrid (España)

María del Mar Gabaldón Martínez

Universidad CEU San Pablo
Universidad CEU San Pablo. C/ Julián Romea, 18 - 28003 Madrid (España)