Archaic Industries of Roussillon (South of France): Geochronological Correlation with the Terraces of the Têt, Tech and Agly Rivers


This article studies the lithic industry of the Early Palaeolithic from the terraces of the Roussillon, in the S of France. The geomorphological revision of the flood levels allows these industries to be related to the geochronology of the terraces which were formed in between the late Early Pleistocene and the Middle Pleistocene, and thus allows a regional chrono-cultural framework to be established. By analyzing the technology of the lithic industry derived from the concept of chaîne opératoire and studying the patinas, the technical Modes and the technological aspects of the processes related to configuration and knapping sequences are differentiated. In the fluvial sequence, Mode 1 is documented in the terrace of Mas Ferréol and Mode 2 is identified in the Plane d’en Bourgat and Butte du Four-Llabanère, thus showing a technological continuity in the form of choppers and chopping-tools and poorly organized chains of exploitation (polyhedral). This technological substratum is common to the coeval sites from the NE of the Iberian Peninsula and the S of France, although with a margin of variability between the industries from the different regions.
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Joan García Garriga

Instituto Catalán de Paleoecología Humana y Evolución Social
Instituto Catalán de Paleoecología Humana y Evolución Social. c/ Marcel·í Domingo, s/n - Campus URV - Edificio X3 - 43007 Tarragona (España)