The Port of Sexi Firmum Iulium. Evidences of a port structure in the excavations of 1972 in El Majuelo (Almuñécar, Granada)


The excavations developed by Manuel Sotomayor in 1972 in El Majuelo (Almuñécar, Granada), allowed to confirm the existence in the Western urban sector of a Roman wide salted-fish factory. Nevertheless, in spite of the fact that the excavations in the factory happened until middle of the decade of the eighties of XXth century, the results of the above mentioned campaign were still unpublished. We offer here a review of the principal results obtained in the six realized cuts concentring particularly on the finding and documentation of the only sure evidence of the existence of some type of port structure on the municipium Sexi Firmum Iulium. It is a question of concretely of a bollard realized in stone, an element that we consider allows us to raise the possibility that Almuñécar’s Roman port was not working simply as an anchoring-place, typology to the one that might answer the medieval port in words of to al-Himyari, but in Roman epoch it would possess certain type of conditionings destined for the tie of the ships.
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Author Biography

Elena Sánchez López

Universidad de Granada
Dpto. de Prehistoria y Arqueología. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Granada. Campus de Cartuja, s/n - 18071 Granada (España)