Fine ware pottery trade and exchange of in Baetica (Ith-IIth century A.D.): general reflections concerning the high-imperial economy linked to the analysis of Isturgitan example


As a particular case of analysis, the pottery vessels produced at Isturgi workshops (terra sigillata and others), gives us the opportunity to think over some historical and archaeological aspects related to the exchange and trade of these goods during the greatest period of economic and social growth in roman Baetica. Therefore, in this paper, we shall focus on the nature of Roman imperial economy, on considering the ways and magnitude of that trade (local/regional and long distance trade) and his basic characterization, as well as on certain anthropological secondary issues like consumption, cultural and social value, and taste. This draws an exceptional situation of economic vitality where the production and trade on local pottery fine wares, especially samian or terra sigillata wares, is cause, but also consequence of it. The process, intensified during Claudius thanks to an outstanding geopolitical conditions founded on the development of the communications network infrastructure and transports, on the greater demand for goods, and on a moderate population growth, contributes to the emergence of new standards in baetic pottery vessels, until then still dominated by local traditions and by unstructured and rudimentary Peñaflor type pottery.
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Ruiz Montes, P. (2013). Fine ware pottery trade and exchange of in Baetica (Ith-IIth century A.D.): general reflections concerning the high-imperial economy linked to the analysis of Isturgitan example. Zephyrvs, 71(1), 197–219. Retrieved from


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Pablo Ruiz Montes

Universidad de Granada
Dpto. de Prehistoria y Arqueología. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Granada. Campus Universitario de Cartuja s/n . 18071 Granada (España)