Bronze Age funerary spaces in Outeiro Alto 2 (Brinches, Serpa, Portugal): the hipogea cemetery

  • Victor Filipe
    Universidad de Lisboa victor.filipe7[at]
  • Ricardo Godinho
    Universidad de Coimbra
  • Raquel Granja
  • António Carlos Valera


The Outeiro Alto 2 (Brinches, Serpa, Portugal) is part of a wider range of archaeological sites recently excavated on the left bank of the Guadiana River, Baixo Alentejo, in the context of the Empreendimento de Fins Múltiplos de Alqueva - EDIA (Alqueva Dam). The chronology of its occupation extends from the Final Neolithic to the Bronze Age, also through Chalcolithic, and it is located on a gentle hill with a wide view of the landscape. In this study we present the data concerning to the occupation of the site during the Bronze Age, more specifically the hypogea necropolis. It is a cultural reality badly known and scarcely characterized and documented until recently, proper to the region, but where it becomes evi- dent the influence of Argaric Culture, especially in the funerary rituals.
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Filipe, V., Godinho, R., Granja, R., & Valera, A. C. (2013). Bronze Age funerary spaces in Outeiro Alto 2 (Brinches, Serpa, Portugal): the hipogea cemetery. Zephyrvs, 71(1), 107–129. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Victor Filipe

Universidad de Lisboa
UNIARQ-Faculty of Letters. University of Lisbon. Alameda da Universidade, Cidade Universitária 1600-214 Lisboa

Ricardo Godinho

Universidad de Coimbra
Research Centre for Anthropology and Health. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade de Coimbra. Apartado 3046. 3001-401 Coimbra. Portugal

Raquel Granja

ERA-Arqueologia. Calçada de Santa Catarina, 9C. 1495-705 Cruz Quebrada. Lisboa

António Carlos Valera

Head of Archaeological Research Department of ERA-Arqueologia. Calçada de Santa Catarina, 9C. 1495-705 Cruz Quebrada. Lisboa