New data and contributions to the cultural sequence of Lancia (Villasabariego, León, Spain)

  • Jesús Liz Guiral
    Universidad de Salamanca
  • María Jesús Gutiérrez González
  • Jesús Celis Sánchez
    Instituto Leonés de Cultura ilc[at]


We try in our work to show the advances in the investigation of Lancia. In the last years we have worked in Roman downtown, presumably very near the forum, two architectural groups: some small thermal baths and a macellum, already discovered and partly exhumed in the years fifty and sixty of last century. The new contribution affects so much to the advance in the knowledge of the functionality of this structures as well as to their chronology and construction phases. It is important also the location of archaeological units belonging to the prerroman moment of the city that they had never been found in situ.
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Liz Guiral, J., Gutiérrez González, M. J., & Celis Sánchez, J. (2013). New data and contributions to the cultural sequence of Lancia (Villasabariego, León, Spain). Zephyrvs, 55, 257–282. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Jesús Liz Guiral

Universidad de Salamanca
Universidad de Salamanca. Arqueología. Facultad de Geografía e Historia Cervantes, s/n. 37002 - Salamanca. España

Jesús Celis Sánchez

Instituto Leonés de Cultura
Instituto Leonés de Cultura. Puerta de la Reina 1. 2403 León