Celtiberian metrology and its romanization


Celtiberian metrology has scarcely been investigated until now, with the exception of coin weights. On the basis of measurements of pre-Roman mud bricks, a Celtiberian foot of 24 cm is proposed. With regard to weights, we can accept a module of 9 g for silver jewelry and some bronze coins; however, loom weights do not conform to any metrological system. Over time, Roman measures of length (as indicated by the dimensions of bricks, tiles and architectural monuments) and weight were adopted.
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A. Curchin, L. (2013). Celtiberian metrology and its romanization. Zephyrvs, 55, 247–255. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/uno/index.php/0514-7336/article/view/9756


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Author Biography

Leonard A. Curchin

University of Waterloo
Avenue West Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L.3G1