Lithic arrowheads from Cantabrian Chalcolithic: techno-typological and contextual analysis


This paper constitutes an approach to the knowledge of the more characteristic group among the industries of the Cantabrian Chalcolithic: the lithic projectile points fabricated with the technique of the invasive retouch. This attempt is based on a statistical study in which three aspects very significant for the interpretation of this technological group are involved: a contextual analysis, a morpho-evolutive view and a stylistic examination. At last it is included a series of general considerations on the socio-economic dimension of this type of industries, based on the interpretation of the preceding evidence.
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Ontañón Peredo, R. (2013). Lithic arrowheads from Cantabrian Chalcolithic: techno-typological and contextual analysis. Zephyrvs, 55, 199–229. Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Roberto Ontañón Peredo

Universidad de Cantabria
Universidad de Cantabria. Departamento de Ciencias Históricas. Edificio Interfacultativo. Avda. de los Cas­tros, s/n. 39005 Santander