Solutrean origins: Spanish connections

  • Marcel Otte
    Centre interfacultaire de recherches archéologiques (CIRA) Marcel.Otte[at]
  • Pierre Noiret
    Université de Liège


The Solutrean “culture” of France should be separated in two clearly distinct elements. (1) The “Proto-Solutrean” and the “early” Solutrean are linked to late phases of the Gravettian of the northern plains. (2) The “middle and late” Solutrean seems to have originated in Spain. A movement from North Africa, in the most arid phase, constitutes the most likely hypothesis to explain this expansion.
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Otte, M., & Noiret, P. (2013). Solutrean origins: Spanish connections. Zephyrvs, 55, 77–83. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Marcel Otte

Centre interfacultaire de recherches archéologiques (CIRA)
Bât. A1 Centre interfacultaire de recherches archéologiques (CIRA) place du 20-Août 7 4000 Liège  Belgique

Pierre Noiret

Université de Liège
Université de Liège Place du 20-Août, 7 4000 Liège Belgique