The earliest human occupation of the Iberian Peninsula: a summary


This paper reviews those Iberian sites where a human activity has been proposed in the Lower Pleistocene. This critic review allows establishing a chronology of the latest Lower Pleistocene for the earliest Iberian human groups. Barranco León 5 and Fuentenueva 3 (Granada) and Gran Dolina (Sie­rra de Atapuerca, Burgos) records might set the first hominids of the Iberian Peninsula between normal subchron Gilsá (Mt. Cobb) (OIS 34) and just before the Brunhes/Matuyama limit (OIS 20), conventional Lower/Middle Pleistocene border.
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Garcia Sanchez, E. (2013). The earliest human occupation of the Iberian Peninsula: a summary. Zephyrvs, 55, 19–59. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Eduardo Garcia Sanchez

UNED. Avenida La Mancha, 2 – 02006 Albacete