Two new pedestals with inscriptions from «Colonia Avgvsta Firma Astigi» (Écija, Seville)

  • Salvador Ordóñez Agulla
    Universidad de Sevilla sagulla[at]
  • Sergio García-Dils De La Vega
    Universidad de Sevilla
  • José Carlos Saquete Chamizo
    Universidad de Sevilla


In this paper are presented two new Roman pedestals with inscriptions, found in the archaeological excavations carried out in the central square of Écija (Seville), called “plaza de España”. Both of these pieces were located within the walled precinct of the imperial cult temple located in the southeast corner of the square. The pedestals can be characterized as a well-known model in this context. The first inscription refers to the erection of a sculpture by testamentary order of a personage called Caius Septumius, in the first half of the 2nd century A.D. In the second pedestal, datable between the middle of the 2nd century and the beginning of the 3rd century A.D., the text is in a poor state of preservation, and it is possible to read just the name with which the inscription begins, Titus Statilius Superatus Astigitanus.
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Ordóñez Agulla, S., García-Dils De La Vega, S., & Saquete Chamizo, J. C. (2013). Two new pedestals with inscriptions from «Colonia Avgvsta Firma Astigi» (Écija, Seville). Zephyrvs, 70, 191–202. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Salvador Ordóñez Agulla

Universidad de Sevilla
Dpto. de Historia Antigua. C/ Doña María de Padilla, s/n. 41004 – Sevilla (España)

Sergio García-Dils De La Vega

Universidad de Sevilla
Dpto. de Historia Antigua. C/ Doña María de Padilla, s/n. 41004 – Sevilla (España)

José Carlos Saquete Chamizo

Universidad de Sevilla
Dpto. de Historia Antigua. C/ Doña María de Padilla, s/n. 41004 – Sevilla (España)