The Marine Malacological Remains from the Chalcolithic Fortified Settlement at Outeiro Redondo (Sesimbra): Collection Strategies Used by a Sedentary Community From the 3rd Millennium BC on the Portuguese Coast


The malacological collection of Outeiro Redondo showed the predominance of rocky substrate species and tidal levels between supralittoral zone and upper and middle levels of mediolittoral zone. The genus Patella have a overwhelming predomination, with 93,81% of the MNI, acquiring the remaining marine species a residual character. The distribution of faunal remains and the degree of fragmentation analysis along the diachrony of occupation make possible to identify an occupation floor, at the bottom of the stratigraphical sequence, which time will intensify the activity of gathering shellfish, resulting in an episode of anthropic pressure that decline the average sizes of adult individuals selected. With the viability of direct and daily rhythm access to these resources, the study of gathering techniques showed possible to identify the presence of marks (in borders of genus Patella shells) that indicate the use of tools like a sharp or puncturing instrument to extract molluscs from the substrate. In addition, taphonomic evidences analysis came to confirm the acquisition of shells in the beach in order to use them as scrapers or burnisher or as ornamental elements (beads).
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Cardoso, J. L., & Dias Coelho, M. (2013). The Marine Malacological Remains from the Chalcolithic Fortified Settlement at Outeiro Redondo (Sesimbra): Collection Strategies Used by a Sedentary Community From the 3rd Millennium BC on the Portuguese Coast. Zephyrvs, 70, 85–111. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

João Luís Cardoso

Universidade Aberta
Universidade Aberta. Rua da Escola Politécnica, n º 141-147. Palacio de la Cena 1269-001 Lisboa (Portugal)

Manuela Dias Coelho

UNIARQ. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Av. D. Carlos I, ciento veintiséis - 1249-074 Lisboa (Portugal)