Knapped lithic tools used in agricultural activities from the Neolithic site of La Vaquera (Segovia)

  • Juan F. Gibaja
  • María Soledad Estremera
    Alacet Arqueólogos S. L.
  • Juan José Ibáñez
  • Unai Perales
    Universidad del País Vasco


La Vaquera Cave is located at the centre of the Iberian Peninsula (Segovia). The cave was occupied by the first groups of farmers settling down in the area, during the late 6th millennium cal BC. In this paper, we study the lithic tools which were used for cereal harvesting and processing. The characteristics of these agricultural tools are compared with those coming from other Early Neolithic sites, which have been previously analyzed. The pattern of geographical distribution of the different sickle types is explained in the context of the spread of agriculture in the Western Mediterranean region.
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Gibaja, J. F., Estremera, M. S., Ibáñez, J. J., & Perales, U. (2013). Knapped lithic tools used in agricultural activities from the Neolithic site of La Vaquera (Segovia). Zephyrvs, 70, 33–47. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Juan F. Gibaja

CSIC-IMF. Dpto. de Arqueología y Antropología. C/ Egipciàques, 15. 08001 Barcelona (España)

María Soledad Estremera

Alacet Arqueólogos S. L.
Alacet Arqueólogos S. L. C/ Doce de Octubre, 9. 47005 Valladolid (España)

Juan José Ibáñez

CSIC-IMF. Dpto. de Arqueología y Antropología. C/ Egipciàques, 15. 08001 Barcelona (España)

Unai Perales

Universidad del País Vasco
Dpto. de Geografía, Prehistoria y Arqueología. Universidad del País Vasco (UPV-EHU) U.P.V./E.H.U. C/ Tomás y Valiente s/n - 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz (España)