New rock and portable art finds in La Cullalvera cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria)


Archaeological activities carried out in the vestibule of La Cullalvera cave during the conditioning of the site for touristic use have lead to the discovery of a new cave painting, a figure of a horse in red traits. Some pieces of portable art have been also found, including a fragment of a small bone plaquette with a series of engraved “claviform” signs that show a clear parallel with the signs of the same type painted in red in the inner gallery of the cave. The formal and stylistic characteristics of the findings point to a Magdalenian chronology.
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Díaz, Y., & Astorqui, Ángel. (2012). New rock and portable art finds in La Cullalvera cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria). Zephyrvs, 69, 191–198. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Yolanda Díaz

Tanea Documentación y Conservación
Tanea Documentación y Conservación .C/ Bonifaz, 22 - 4ºG - 39003 Santander (España)

Ángel Astorqui

Tanea Documentación y Conservación
Tanea Documentación y Conservación .C/ Bonifaz, 22 - 4ºG - 39003 Santander (España)