About writing among the Vaccean people


The Vaccean people, settled on central valley of river Duero before the Roman conquest, have been regarded as agraphos. There aren’t important write evidences, but in last decades it has been identifies some of them. They have been produced during a short time, mainly in last years of 2nd century BC and the first half of 1st, and in general they can be considered just marks but not a work made by people who were taught to read and write.
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Bellido Blanco, A. (2012). About writing among the Vaccean people. Zephyrvs, 69, 129–147. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/uno/index.php/0514-7336/article/view/9032


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Author Biography

Antonio Bellido Blanco

Museo de Valladolid
Conservador de Museos. Museo de Valladolid. Palacio de Fabio Nelli. Plaza de Fabio Nelli, s/n - C.P. 47003 – Valladolid (España)