A female burial with grave goods at the Roman villa of Almenara de Adaja (Valladolid)


Recent works in an area placed North from the pars urbana of the late imperial roman villa at Almenara de Adaja (Valladolid, Spain) have uncovered a female burial with grave goods. These finds suggest the likely situation of a necropolis corresponding to the villa lifetime period. We study the artifacts found in the burial. Results of an analysis on the content of a ceramic vessel found there are also given. This finding complements the available data on the distribution and organization of contemporary habitat and adds up to the known information on cemeteries dating from this time period in the Spanish north inner plateau.
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García Merino, C., & Sánchez Simón, M. (2012). A female burial with grave goods at the Roman villa of Almenara de Adaja (Valladolid). Zephyrvs, 68, 239–255. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/uno/index.php/0514-7336/article/view/8762


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Author Biographies

C. García Merino

Universidad de Valladolid. C/Plaza de Santa Cruz, 8 CP 47002 Valladolid (España)

M. Sánchez Simón

Museo de las Villas Romanas de Almenara. Carretera N-601 Valladolid-Adanero km 137. 47419 Puras Valladolid. (España)