The term origo in Roman epigraphy


It is sometimes very difficult to interpret the term origo, since it can refer to different elements such as birth, place of origin, family or tribe. From the Republican period the Romans used to include this type of information in their inscriptions after the mention of the name, although, curiously, they did not employ the term origo itself, but other forms of expression. In this work we suggest that in Roman epigraphy this term was used, from the end of the Second Century and during the first half of the Third Century A. D., mainly in the times of the Severan Dynasty.
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González Fernández, R. (2012). The term origo in Roman epigraphy. Zephyrvs, 68, 229–237. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Rafael González Fernández

Universidad de Murcia. Avda Teniente Flomesta, 5 - 30003 - Murcia (España)