Approaches and new data on the interpretation of prehistoric landscapes from the River Tagus sector of Extremadura (Spain): the Alconétar area


The Neolithic and Chalcolithic settlement of the inner area of Tagus at Extremadura region (Spain) was often defined by the megalithic tombs spread along the region. In the present time some statements about the territorial behaviour of prehistoric societies are being revised, and consequently the landscape dimension of megalithic sites. In this context we present the preliminary results of a research project focused on the surface survey of the margins of Tagus River, where we have been working in two different, but near, sectors. In this paper we present an assessment of the first results of the surveys, that have varied the picture of an area just defined by the presence of megalithic tombs.
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Cerrillo Cuenca, E. (2012). Approaches and new data on the interpretation of prehistoric landscapes from the River Tagus sector of Extremadura (Spain): the Alconétar area. Zephyrvs, 68, 139–161. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Enrique Cerrillo Cuenca

Instituto de Arqueología – Mérida (CSIC) Plaza de España, 15, 06800, España