Levantine rock-art figures with antennae headdresses from Cova dels Rossegadors (La Pobla de Benifassà, Castellón) and their interpretation in a rite of passage


This paper focuses on two unknown Levantine art anthropomorphs with antennae headdresses from Cova dels Rossegadors, and in the other figures with antennae headdresses of this rock art site. We raise the hypothesis that the antennae headdresses of these two pictographs were intentionally hidden. The concealment of peculiar features such as headdresses has never been reported before in Levantine art. We argue that the anthropomorphs with antennae headdresses of this site can be interpreted as the narration of a rite of passage. Some of the physical features of the panel suggest that they were used as a representation of the surrounding landscape. The indicated pictographs, included in the tale of young men being incorporated into adult society, would contribute to the stability and to keep the social order of the human group that produced these images.
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Ruiz López, J. F., & Allepuz García, C. (2012). Levantine rock-art figures with antennae headdresses from Cova dels Rossegadors (La Pobla de Benifassà, Castellón) and their interpretation in a rite of passage. Zephyrvs, 68, 115–138. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/uno/index.php/0514-7336/article/view/8755


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Author Biographies

Juan F. Ruiz López

Asociación de Amigos del Parque Cultural de la Valltorta/Gasulla y su Museo. (España)

Càrol Allepuz García

Asociación de Amigos del Parque Cultural de la Valltorta/Gasulla y su Museo (España)