The archaeological context of Levantine rock Art in Campo de Hellín (Albacete)


This work explores the knowledge of human settlement and the Levantine rock Art in a specific geographical context. The spatial reading of these elements allows to present hypotheses on human communities that occupied lands of the Campo de Hellín (Albacete) during the first phases of Holocene and how they built a landscape that reflects their social, economic and symbolic needs.
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García Atiénzar, G. (2012). The archaeological context of Levantine rock Art in Campo de Hellín (Albacete). Zephyrvs, 68, 63–86. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Gabriel García Atiénzar

Universidad de Alicante. Prehistoria, arqueologia, historia antigua, filologia griega, y filologia latina. AP. de correos, 99 03080, Alicante (España)