Analysis of the taphonomic processes of Morín Cave. The first results of a necessary study

  • José Yravedra Sainz De Los Terreros
    Universidad Complutense de Madrid joyravedra[at]
  • Alberto Gómez Castanedo
    Universidad de Cantabria


Morín Cave is an important site used as a referential model in many works in regards to the Upper and Middle Paleolithic in the north of Spain. We offer in this report the study of a great part of its faunal record. We show that the water was an important element in its formation. The hidraulic action has influenced too on skeletal parts bias that appears in some levels. The carnivores, as show their tooth marks, would be important in the bone accumulation as well. Finally, we report that both cut and percussion marks in bones of many taxons belonging from different levels point out that the human being was the main responsible in the ungulates accumulation of Morín Cave.
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Yravedra Sainz De Los Terreros, J., & Gómez Castanedo, A. (2011). Analysis of the taphonomic processes of Morín Cave. The first results of a necessary study. Zephyrvs, 67, 69–90. Retrieved from

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Author Biographies

José Yravedra Sainz De Los Terreros

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Departamento de Prehistoria. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. C/ Prof. Aranguren, s/n. 28040 Madrid (España)

Alberto Gómez Castanedo

Universidad de Cantabria
Departamento de Ciencias Históricas. Universidad de Cantabria. Edificio Interfacultativo. Avd. de los Castros, s/n. 39005 Santander (España)