Schematic rock art in the Arroyo de Huenes (Monachil, Granada)


Two stations with manifestation of schematic rock art found in the natural place of the Arroyo de Huenes (Monachil, Granada) appear, offering in this paper the study of the motifs contained in the shelters and the graphical documentation of the same shelters (not included in previous papers). These two findings have allowed extending the sequence of occupation of this territory during Recent Prehistory, as well as to strengthen this zone like one of the routes of communication with high lands of Sierra Nevada for the advantage of its natural resources at prehistoric time.
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Fernández Ruiz, M. (2010). Schematic rock art in the Arroyo de Huenes (Monachil, Granada). Zephyrvs, 63, 225–232. Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Marcos Fernández Ruiz

Universidad de Granada
Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología. Universidad de Granada. C/ Sacromonte, n.º 1. 18119 Cájar, Granada (España)