= New information about the Celtiberian hoard from Monte Lejarza-Larrabezúa (Biscay)


Thanks to the original documentation preserved in the Real Academia de la Historia, it has been possible to rebuild the composition of the hoard of Monte Lejarza-Larrabezúa (Biscay), found in 1767. It consisted of one hundred and twenty one celtiberian denarii, together with silver jewelry, most of them fragmented. The coins are identifiable as issues from the celtiberian mints of ??;????;???, ?;??????;????; ???;????????????, ???;????, and ????;???, the common at the coin hoards attribued to Sertorian dates from the North Lands of Spain. It must be noted that ???;???????????? pieces are the most represented in the hoard, suggesting a proximity to the mint origin of the issues. Some pieces of jewelry could be identified as neckring fragments, earrings, bracelets and perhaps fibulae, almost must of the silver pieces were uncertain objects. Both the coins and the retrieved jewelry point to close relationships with the celtiberian world.
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Rodríguez Casanova, I. (2010). = New information about the Celtiberian hoard from Monte Lejarza-Larrabezúa (Biscay). Zephyrvs, 63, 135–154. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/uno/index.php/0514-7336/article/view/7226


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Author Biography

Isabel Rodríguez Casanova

Doctora en Arqueología. C/ Joaquín Zurita, 34. 28660 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid (España)