The Hero saved from the Underworld: Taweret as Psychopomp Goddess in the Punic Monument of Pozo Moro (Chinchilla de Montearagón, Albacete)


Since the discovery of the Pozo Moro funerary monument, the so-called ‘banquet scene’ has been the most published relief among researchers. However, even though there is consensus when it comes to interpreting the set as the descent of the hero/deceased into the netherworld, there are some discrepancies about whether and how he gets saved. Trying to solve this problem, in the present study a new proposal is made based on the comparison of the elements engraved in the relief and the Egyptian funerary iconography. From that, it is proposed that the shadow of the deceased would manage to escape from the jaws of the devouring monster that presides over the scene on the left thanks to the help of a psychopomp deity, identifiable with Egyptian Taweret. This figure, situated on the far right of the panel, illuminates with a torch the path of the deceased and moves him away from danger. After that, it ends by reflecting on the Egyptian influences assumed by the Phoenician-Punic population in Southern Iberian Peninsula.
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