The Imaginary House: Uprooting and Treethrow Hollows in Open-Air Settlements from the Late Prehistory


Tree-throw hollows are on the commonest features founded in archaeological sites. Its origin could be either natural causes, the death and fall of a tree, or anthropogenic, related to the clearance of the forest. In recent times, radiocarbon dating has meant a breakthrough in the cultural definition of archaeological background in late prehistoric open air-settlements from north-western Iberia. However, some C14 dating has been validated without assessing the consistency between the results and the events they were intended to date. The aim of this work is deciphering chronological errors based in 1) a misinterpretation of some late prehistoric dwellings in NW Iberian Peninsula, and 2) an inadequate methodology of recovering of archaeobotanical remains used for radiocarbon dates. The reinterpretation of some archaeological features as three-throw hollows can shed light on this problem and push us to reconsider the theories about the domestic spaces of the Northwestern Iberia.
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