The Copper Age in the lands of Antequera (Málaga): introduction to the settlement patterns and social dynamics

  • Leonardo García Sanjuán
    Universidad de Sevilla lgarcia[at]
  • María del Carmen Moreno Escobar
    University of Southampton
  • Joaquín Márquez Pérez
    Universidad de Sevilla
  • David W. Wheatley
    University of Southampton


Antequera (Málaga) is home to one of the most important Neolithic and Copper Age megalithic landscapes in Europe, as proven by its recent declaration as a World Heritage Site by unesco on July 15th 2016. This declaration highlights the need to push ahead in the research of the Neolithic and Copper Age periods, when the megalithic phenomenon developed and the three large Antequera megaliths, Menga, Viera and El Romeral, were built. In this paper, stemming from an on-going research project, we present a synthesis of the evidence available for the study of the Copper Age settlement patterns and social dynamics in the Lands of Antequera. Departing from a comprehensive review of the existing literature an assessment is made of the settlement patterns, subsistence economy, exploitation and exchange of abiotic resources, monumentality and burial practices of this time period. The aim is to formulate a preliminary framework of analysis of the cultural and social context in which the construction of El Romeral, the largest tholos monument known in Iberia, took place.
  • Referencias
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  • Métricas
Afonso, J. A.; Cámara, J. A.; Martínez Fernández, G. and Molina, F. (2011): “Objetos en materias primas exóticas y estructura jerárquica de las tumbas de la necrópolis de Los Millares (Santa Fe de Mondújar, Almería, España).” In García Sanjuán, L.; Scarre, C. and Wheathley, D. (eds.): Exploring Time and Matter in Prehistoric Monuments: Absolute Chronology and Rare Rocks in European Megaliths. Proceedings of the 2nd emsg Meeting (Seville, 2008). Sevilla, pp. 295-332.
García Sanjuán, L., Moreno Escobar, M. del C., Márquez Pérez, J., & Wheatley, D. W. (2016). The Copper Age in the lands of Antequera (Málaga): introduction to the settlement patterns and social dynamics. Zephyrvs, 78, 35–65.

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Author Biographies

Leonardo García Sanjuán

Universidad de Sevilla
Dpto. de Prehistoria y Arqueología. Facultad de Geografía e Historia. C/ María de Padilla, s/n. 41004 Sevilla, España

María del Carmen Moreno Escobar

University of Southampton
Dpt. of Archaeology. Faculty of Humanities. Avenue Campus, Highfield. Southampton so17 1bf. United Kingdom

Joaquín Márquez Pérez

Universidad de Sevilla
Dpto. de Geografía Física y Análisis Geográfico Regional. Facultad de Geografía e Historia. C/ María de Padilla, s/n. 41004 Sevilla, España

David W. Wheatley

University of Southampton
Dpt. of Archaeology. Faculty of Humanities. Avenue Campus, Highfield. Southampton so17 1bf. United Kingdom