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Author Guidelines

  • Zephyrus is a semi-annual journal published in June and December of each year. The articles received are evaluated by external reviewers using the ‘double blind’ system. Some of these reviewers may be selected by the Editorial Board from a list of specialists proposed by the author.
  • The original papers must be unpublished and not pending full or partial publication. They will be sent strictly adjusted to the norms of the Journal (cf. Style sheet). Their maximum length shall not exceed 11,000 words written in Times New Roman at 12 points with single spacing (approximately 25 DIN-A4 pages, including graphic material, notes and bibliography). In addition, the Journal authorship form (LINK) will be signed by all authors, proving the originality of the work and their commitment to submit it exclusively to this journal. In the case of results of an ongoing research project, the submission will include the authorization of the Principal Investigator (PI) if that person is not one of the authors.
  • Those proposals sent from outside Spain should be submitted in electronic format only (no hard copy is required). The electronic files should include: text and tables as MS Word files, images as jpeg or tiff and the hand-signed authorship form as pdf (LINK). These files will preferably be submitted through the OJS-EUSAL online system that appears above  after registering as a user. Alternatively, the mentioned electronic files can be sent to the email:
  • The Journal will acknowledge receipt of the originals indicating the date of receipt within a maximum period of 30 business days. Authors will receive the result of the revision of their manuscripts and, where appropriate, the corrections to be made before their final acceptance. The Editorial Board will decide on the publication within a maximum period of 6 months from receipt, communicating the decision in a reasoned manner.
  • Zephyrus accepts papers written in Spanish, English or French. Exceptionally, originals in other languages may be accepted. The first page of the manuscript should include: titles in the language of the text and English (or in Spanish if the text were in English); authors’ data (name, institution, full postal address, e-mail, ORCID code); abstract (of 150/200 words) and several keywords (5/7) in the language of the text and English (or in Spanish if the text were in English). Keywords should facilitate indexing and should avoid repeating terms already used in the title. The body of the text should be structured in headings numbered with Arabic numerals.
  • The originals in the ‘Varia’ section should be shorter in length, around 5 pages (some 2,000 words), requiring a logical structure like that of the research papers and also accompanied by all the elements indicated above (titles, abstracts, etc.). The ‘Reviews’, on works published during the current year and dealing with a theme linked to the editorial line of the Journal, should also be reduced in length (1-3 pages) and their content should be critical rather than descriptive. The following information will appear at the end of the text: name of the author(s), professional affiliation, work centre, full postal address, telephone and email.
  • Bibliographic citations should follow the in-text citation style. They should be inserted in the text (first surname in lower case except initial capital letter, without the initials of the first names, year and pages preceded by a colon). Footnotes should be limited to brief comments or non-bibliographic references (unpublished documents). In the final reference list, the surnames of the authors should begin with an initial capital letter with the rest in small caps. For books and monographs the place of publication should be indicated; for congresses the place and date they were held as well as the place and year of publication and page numbers. Academic documents (PhD theses, MA dissertations), technical reports and other unpublished documentation should be included in footnotes instead of the final bibliography section. The reference list, exclusively with the literature cited in the body text, should be placed at the end of the text, following these examples as a model:



  • JORDÁ, F. and SANCHIDRIÁN, J. L. (1992): La Cueva de Maltravieso. Mérida: Editora Regional de Extremadura.


Journal article:

  • AMORÓS, I. (2019): “Las prácticas de comensalidad como estrategia ideológica en el área central de la Contestania ibérica (VII-I a. C.)”, Zephyrus, 84 (2), pp. 41-62.


Contribution in collective volumes, congress proceedings, etc.:

  • BOAST, R. (1995): “Fine pots, pure pots, Beakerpots”. In KINNES, I. and VARNDELL, G.  (eds.): Unbaked Urns of Rudely Shape. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 69-80.
  • Pictures, maps, graphs and photographs should be delivered as electronic files (tiff / jpeg format), separate from the text, with maximum quality and, whenever possible, in colour. All of them will be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and preceded by the abbreviation Fig. The approximate position will be indicated in the body text, accompanied by a figure caption, or brief descriptive legend in which the source is provided if different from the author of the work. The captions will be submitted in a separate text file.
  • For abbreviations, text settings, numbering of headings and formal details cf. Style sheet
  • A single proof of each paper will be sent to the authors, who should return it corrected within a maximum period of 10 days. The corrections should be limited to possible typos, clerical mistakes and brief corrections, without substantial changes in the text.
  • The publishing rights correspond to the Journal, and the permission of the Editorial Board, Editions of the University of Salamanca and the authors is necessary for their total or partial reproduction. Zephyrus will send to the authors of each article, as a whole and for free, a printed copy of the volume and a digital offprint (also downloadable from the Journal’s website).
  • These indications are completed with the detailed guidelines contained in the Style sheet whose pdf can be downloaded at



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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.