Visiones y revisiones de la infancia en la Antigüedad desde la Arqueología
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Aglieti, S. (2018): "La mors acerba. Alcuni spunti di riflessione sulla sepoltura degli infanti in età romana". En Nizzo, V.: Dalla nascita alla morte: Antropologia e Archeologia a Confronto. Roma: ess, pp. 517-530.
Allison, P. (2006): "Mapping for gender: interpreting artefact distribution in Roman military forts in Germany", Archaeological Dialogues, 13 (1), pp. 1-48.
Allison, P. (2013): People and Space in Roman Military Bases. Cambridge: cup.
Allison, P. (2018): "Roman Household Organization". En Crawford, S.
Hadley, D. y Shepherds, G. (2018): The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Childhood. Oxford Handbooks Collection. Oxford: oup, pp. 55-70.
Baills, N. (2016): "Caractéristiques des sépultures d'enfants en bas âge à l'époque gallo-romaine". En Portat, E.; Detante, M.; Buquet-Marcon, C. y Guillon, M. (dirs.): Rencontre autour de la mort des tout-petits: mortalité fetale et infantile. Actes 2e Rencontre du Groupe d'Anthropologie et d'Archéologie funéraire (Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 2009). Condé-sur-Noireau, pp. 161-176.
Baills, N. y Blanchard, P. (2006): "Sépultures de nouveau-nés et de nourrissons du 1er Âge du Fer au Haut Moyen Âge découvertes hors des contextes funéraires traditionnels sur les territoires carnute, turon et biturige cube: inventaire, synthèse et interprétations. In: Ensembles funéraires gallo-romains de la Région Centre-1", Revue Archéologique du Centre de la France, 29, pp. 157-205.
Baxter, J. E. (2005): The archaeology of Childhood: children, gender and material culture. Walnut Creek: Altamira Press.
Brookshaw, S. (2010): "The archaeology of childhood: a museum perspective", Complutum, 21 (2), pp. 215-232.
Buckberry, J. (2018): "Techniques for Identifying the Age and Sex of Children at Death". En Crawford, S.
Hadley, D. y Shepherds, G. (2018): The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Childhood. Oxford Handbooks Collection. Oxford: oup, pp. 55-70.
Carroll, M. (2018): Infancy and Earliest Childhood in the Roman World: A fragment of Time. Oxford: oup.
Carroll, M. y Graham, E. J. (eds.) (2014): Infant Health and Death in Roman Italy and beyond. Journal of Roman Archaeology. Supplem. Ser., 96. Ann Arbor.
Ciurana i Prast, J. (2011): "Mors Inmatura. Morir abans d'Hora a Tarraco (segles i-iii d. C.)", Empùries, 56, pp. 207-226.
Cohen, A. y Rutter, J. (2007): Constructions of Childhood in Ancient Greece and Italy. Hesperia Suppl., 41. Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Coulon, G. (2004): L'enfant en Gaule romaine. Paris: Éditions Errance.
Co?kunsu, G. (ed.) (2015): The Archaeology of Childhood: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on an Archaeological Enigma. New York: State Univ. of New York Press.
Crawford, S. (1991): "When do Anglo-Saxon Children Count?", Journal of Theoretical Archaeology, 2, pp. 17-24.
Crawford, S. y Carenza, L. (2009): "Childhood Studies and the Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past", Childhood in the Past, 1, pp. 5-16.
Crawford, S.; Hadley, D. y Shepherds, G. (2018): The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Childhood. Oxford Handbooks Collection. Oxford: oup.
Dasen, V. (ed.) (2004): Naissance et petite enfance dans l'Antiquité. Actes du colloque de Fribourg, 2001. Fribourg: fap.
Dasen, V. y Späth, T. (eds.) (2010): Children, Memory and Family Identity in Roman Culture. Oxford: oup.
Dixon, S. (2001): Childhood, Class and Kind in the Roman World. London: Routledge.
Dobres, M. A. y Robb, J. (2014): Agency in Archaeology. London: Routledge.
Dubois, C. (2018): "Au fond du puits. Gestion de la mort fetale et perinatale dans le monde grec antique". En Rollet, C.; Clavandier, G.; Pranchère, N. S.; Charrier, P. y Gourdon, V.: Morts avant de naître. La mort périnatale. Coll. Perspectives Historiques. Tours: Presses Univ. F. Rabelais.
Evans, J.; Parkin, T. y Bell, R. (2013): The Oxford Handbook of Childhood and Education in the Classical World. Oxford-New York: oup.
Gourevith, D.; Moirin, A. y Rouquet, N. (2003): Maternité et petite enfance dans l'Antiquité romaine. Éditions de la Ville de Bourges.
Gowland, R. (2016): "Ideas of Childhood in Roman Britain: The Bioarchaeological and Material Evidence". En Millet, M.; Revell, L. y Moore, A.: The Oxford Handbook of Roman Britain. Oxford: oup, pp. 303-320.
Gowland, R. L.; Chamberlain, A. y Redfern, R. C. (2014): "On the brink of being: re-evaluating infanticide and infant burial in Roman Britain", Journal of Roman archaeology supplementary series, 96, pp. 69-88.
Guimier-Sorbets, A. M. y Mortizot, I. (dirs.) (2010): L'enfant et la mort dans l'Antiquité, i. Nouvelles recherches dans les nécropoles grecques: le signalement des tombes d'enfants: Actes Table Ronde Internationale (Athènes, 2008). Paris: Éditions de Boccard.
Gusi, F.; Muriel, S. y Olaria, C. (coords.) (2008): Nasciturus, infans, puerulus, vobis mater terra. Sèrie de Prehistòria i Arqueologia. Castellón: Diput. de Castellón.
Hemer, K. A. y Evans, J. (2018): "The Contribution of Stable Isotope Analysis to the Study of Childhood Movement and Migration". En Crawford, S.
Hadley, D. y Shepherds, G. (2018): The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Childhood. Oxford Handbooks Coll. Oxford: oup, pp. 505-518.
Hermary, A. y Dubois, C. (eds.) (2012): L'enfant et la mort dans l'Antiquité. iii. Le matériel associé aux tombes d'enfants. Actes Table Ronde Internationale (Aix-en-Provence, 2011). Bibliothèque d'Archéologie Méditerranéenne et Africaine. Paris: Centre Camille-Jullian.
Huntley, K. (2018): "Children's Graffiti in Roman Pompeii and Herculaneum". En Crawford, S.; Hadley, D. y Shepherds, G.: The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Childhood. Oxford Handbooks Collection. Oxford: oup, pp. 376-386.
Huskinson, J. (1996): Roman's Children's Sarchophagi. Their decoration and social significance. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Huskinson, J. (2018): "Roman Sarcophagi and Children". En Crawford, S.; Hadley, D. y Shepherds, G.: The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Childhood. Oxford Handbooks Collection. Oxford: oup, pp. 557-573.
Justel, D. (2012): Niños en la Antigüedad. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias.
Kay, J. (2016): "Children's Burials in Fifth-Century Britain and Connections to the Roman Past", Childhood in the Past: an international journal, 9 (2), pp. 86-108.
Laes, C. (2016): Children in the Roman Empire: Outsiders Within. Cambridge: cup.
Laes, C. (2017): Children and Everyday Life in the Roman and Late Antique World. London: Routledge.
Lally, M. y Moore, A. (eds.) (2011): (Re)Thinking the Little Ancestor: New Perspectives on the Archaeology of Infancy and Childhood. bar Intern. Ser., 2271. Oxford: Archaeopress.
Lambrugo, C. (ed.) (2019): Una favola breve. Archeologia e antropologia per la storia dell'infanzia. Collezione Materia e Arte. Sesto Fiorentino: All'Insegna del Giglio s.a.s.
Lillehammer, G. (1979): "Gjemt og glemt-Barn i fortiden", AmS- Småtrykk, 5, pp. 4-7.
Lillehammer, G. (1989): "A child is born. The child world in an archaeological perspective", Norwegian Archaeological Review, 22, pp. 89-105.
Lillehammer, G. (2010): "Archaeology of Childhood". En Infancia y cultura material en Arqueología. Complutum, 21 (2). Madrid: ucm, pp. 15-44.
Lillehammer, G. (2018): "The history of the Archaeology of Childhood". En Crawford, S.; Hadley, D. y Shepherds, G.: The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Childhood. Oxford Handbooks Collection. Oxford: oup, pp. 38-51.
Marshall, A. (2014): Être un enfant en Egypte ancienne. Mónaco: Éditions Le Rocher.
Marshall, A. (2015): Maternité et petite enfance en Egypte ancienne. Mónaco: Éditions du Rocher.
Marshall, A. (2018): L'enfant et la mort en Egypte an-cienne. Éditions Mondes Antiques. Toulouse.
Millet, M. y Gowland, R. (2015): "Infant and Child Burial Rites in Roman Britain: a Study from East Yorkshire", Britannia, 46, pp. 171-189.
Moore, A. (2009): "Hearth and Home: The burial of infants within Romano-British domestic contexts", Childhood in the Past, 2 (1), pp. 33-54.
Murphy, E. y Le Roy, M. (2017): Children, Death, and Burial: Archaeological Discourses. Society for the Study of Past Childhood Monograph Series, 5. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Nenna, M. D. (2012): L'Enfant et la mort dans l'Antiquité, ii. Types de tombes et traitement du corps des enfants dans l'antiquité gréco-romaine. Actes Table Ronde Internationale organisée à Alexandrie (Centre d'Études Alexandrines, 2009). Alexandrie: Centre d'Études Alexandrines.
Parkin, T. y Bell, R. (2013): The Oxford Handbook of Childhood and Education in Classical World. Oxford: oup.
Pereira, C. y Albuquerque, P. (2018): "Inumações infantis em ânfora na península ibérica durante a época romana: a prática e o rito", Spal, 27 (1), pp. 89-118.
Rawson, B. (2003): Children and Childhood in Roman Italy. Oxford: oup.
Redfern, R. (2018): "Feeding Infants from the Iron Age to the Early Medieval Period in Britain". En Crawford, S.
Hadley, D. y Shepherds, G. (2018): The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Childhood. Oxford Hand-books Collection. Oxford: oup, pp. 447-465.
Sánchez Romero, M. (coord.) (2010a): Infancia y cultura material en Arqueología. Complutum, 21 (2). Madrid.
Sánchez Romero, M. (2010b) "¡Eso no se toca!". En Infancia y cultura material en Arqueología. Complutum, 21 (2). Madrid: ucm, pp. 9-13.
Sánchez Romero, M.; Alarcón, E. y Aranda, G. (2015): Children, Spaces and Identity. Oxford.
Sánchez Romero, M. y Cid, R. (eds.) (2018): Motherhood and Infancies in the Mediterranean in Antiquity. Childhood in the Past Monograph Series. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Santis, A.; Van Kampen, I.; Panella, C.; Catalano, P.; Caldarini, C.; Battistini, A.; Pantano, W. B.; Minniti, C.; Celant, A.; Magri, D.; Ferrandes, A. y Romana, F. (2018): "Infant burials related to inhabited areas in Rome: new results for understanding socio cultural structures of an ancient community". En Tabolli, J. (ed.): From invisible to visible: Methods and Data for the Archaeology of Infant and Child Burials?in Pre-Roman Italy and Beyond. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, cxlix. Uppsala: Amstrom Editions, pp. 41-47.
Sevilla, A. (2011): "Mors Inmatura en el mundo romano: Provincia Tarraconensis", Anales de Arqueología Cordobesa, 21-22, pp. 197-219.
Sofaer Derevenski, J. (1996): "Perspectives on Children and Childhood", Archaeological Review from Cambridge, 13 (2), pp. 1-5.
Sofaer Derevenski, J. (2000): Children and material culture. London: Routledge.
Sofaer Derevenski, J. (2006): The body of material culture. Cambridge: cup.
Tabolli, J. (ed.) (2018): From invisible to visible: Methods and Data for the Archaeology of Infant and Child Burials?in Pre-Roman Italy and Beyond. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, cxlix. Uppsala: Amstrom Editions, pp. 41-47.
Vitale, L. (2018): "Gli spazi degli esclusi. Sepolture isolate d'infanti nell'Italia tardo-antica: il contributo della?ricerca archeologica". En Herring, E. y O'Donoghue, E.: Proceedings viith Conference of Italian Archaeology. Oxford: Archaeopress.
vv. aa. (1989): Inhumaciones infantiles en el ámbito mediterráneo español (ss. vii a. C. - ii d. C.). Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología Castellonenses, 14. Castellón.
Allison, P. (2006): "Mapping for gender: interpreting artefact distribution in Roman military forts in Germany", Archaeological Dialogues, 13 (1), pp. 1-48.
Allison, P. (2013): People and Space in Roman Military Bases. Cambridge: cup.
Allison, P. (2018): "Roman Household Organization". En Crawford, S.
Hadley, D. y Shepherds, G. (2018): The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Childhood. Oxford Handbooks Collection. Oxford: oup, pp. 55-70.
Baills, N. (2016): "Caractéristiques des sépultures d'enfants en bas âge à l'époque gallo-romaine". En Portat, E.; Detante, M.; Buquet-Marcon, C. y Guillon, M. (dirs.): Rencontre autour de la mort des tout-petits: mortalité fetale et infantile. Actes 2e Rencontre du Groupe d'Anthropologie et d'Archéologie funéraire (Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 2009). Condé-sur-Noireau, pp. 161-176.
Baills, N. y Blanchard, P. (2006): "Sépultures de nouveau-nés et de nourrissons du 1er Âge du Fer au Haut Moyen Âge découvertes hors des contextes funéraires traditionnels sur les territoires carnute, turon et biturige cube: inventaire, synthèse et interprétations. In: Ensembles funéraires gallo-romains de la Région Centre-1", Revue Archéologique du Centre de la France, 29, pp. 157-205.
Baxter, J. E. (2005): The archaeology of Childhood: children, gender and material culture. Walnut Creek: Altamira Press.
Brookshaw, S. (2010): "The archaeology of childhood: a museum perspective", Complutum, 21 (2), pp. 215-232.
Buckberry, J. (2018): "Techniques for Identifying the Age and Sex of Children at Death". En Crawford, S.
Hadley, D. y Shepherds, G. (2018): The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Childhood. Oxford Handbooks Collection. Oxford: oup, pp. 55-70.
Carroll, M. (2018): Infancy and Earliest Childhood in the Roman World: A fragment of Time. Oxford: oup.
Carroll, M. y Graham, E. J. (eds.) (2014): Infant Health and Death in Roman Italy and beyond. Journal of Roman Archaeology. Supplem. Ser., 96. Ann Arbor.
Ciurana i Prast, J. (2011): "Mors Inmatura. Morir abans d'Hora a Tarraco (segles i-iii d. C.)", Empùries, 56, pp. 207-226.
Cohen, A. y Rutter, J. (2007): Constructions of Childhood in Ancient Greece and Italy. Hesperia Suppl., 41. Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Coulon, G. (2004): L'enfant en Gaule romaine. Paris: Éditions Errance.
Co?kunsu, G. (ed.) (2015): The Archaeology of Childhood: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on an Archaeological Enigma. New York: State Univ. of New York Press.
Crawford, S. (1991): "When do Anglo-Saxon Children Count?", Journal of Theoretical Archaeology, 2, pp. 17-24.
Crawford, S. y Carenza, L. (2009): "Childhood Studies and the Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past", Childhood in the Past, 1, pp. 5-16.
Crawford, S.; Hadley, D. y Shepherds, G. (2018): The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Childhood. Oxford Handbooks Collection. Oxford: oup.
Dasen, V. (ed.) (2004): Naissance et petite enfance dans l'Antiquité. Actes du colloque de Fribourg, 2001. Fribourg: fap.
Dasen, V. y Späth, T. (eds.) (2010): Children, Memory and Family Identity in Roman Culture. Oxford: oup.
Dixon, S. (2001): Childhood, Class and Kind in the Roman World. London: Routledge.
Dobres, M. A. y Robb, J. (2014): Agency in Archaeology. London: Routledge.
Dubois, C. (2018): "Au fond du puits. Gestion de la mort fetale et perinatale dans le monde grec antique". En Rollet, C.; Clavandier, G.; Pranchère, N. S.; Charrier, P. y Gourdon, V.: Morts avant de naître. La mort périnatale. Coll. Perspectives Historiques. Tours: Presses Univ. F. Rabelais.
Evans, J.; Parkin, T. y Bell, R. (2013): The Oxford Handbook of Childhood and Education in the Classical World. Oxford-New York: oup.
Gourevith, D.; Moirin, A. y Rouquet, N. (2003): Maternité et petite enfance dans l'Antiquité romaine. Éditions de la Ville de Bourges.
Gowland, R. (2016): "Ideas of Childhood in Roman Britain: The Bioarchaeological and Material Evidence". En Millet, M.; Revell, L. y Moore, A.: The Oxford Handbook of Roman Britain. Oxford: oup, pp. 303-320.
Gowland, R. L.; Chamberlain, A. y Redfern, R. C. (2014): "On the brink of being: re-evaluating infanticide and infant burial in Roman Britain", Journal of Roman archaeology supplementary series, 96, pp. 69-88.
Guimier-Sorbets, A. M. y Mortizot, I. (dirs.) (2010): L'enfant et la mort dans l'Antiquité, i. Nouvelles recherches dans les nécropoles grecques: le signalement des tombes d'enfants: Actes Table Ronde Internationale (Athènes, 2008). Paris: Éditions de Boccard.
Gusi, F.; Muriel, S. y Olaria, C. (coords.) (2008): Nasciturus, infans, puerulus, vobis mater terra. Sèrie de Prehistòria i Arqueologia. Castellón: Diput. de Castellón.
Hemer, K. A. y Evans, J. (2018): "The Contribution of Stable Isotope Analysis to the Study of Childhood Movement and Migration". En Crawford, S.
Hadley, D. y Shepherds, G. (2018): The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Childhood. Oxford Handbooks Coll. Oxford: oup, pp. 505-518.
Hermary, A. y Dubois, C. (eds.) (2012): L'enfant et la mort dans l'Antiquité. iii. Le matériel associé aux tombes d'enfants. Actes Table Ronde Internationale (Aix-en-Provence, 2011). Bibliothèque d'Archéologie Méditerranéenne et Africaine. Paris: Centre Camille-Jullian.
Huntley, K. (2018): "Children's Graffiti in Roman Pompeii and Herculaneum". En Crawford, S.; Hadley, D. y Shepherds, G.: The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Childhood. Oxford Handbooks Collection. Oxford: oup, pp. 376-386.
Huskinson, J. (1996): Roman's Children's Sarchophagi. Their decoration and social significance. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Huskinson, J. (2018): "Roman Sarcophagi and Children". En Crawford, S.; Hadley, D. y Shepherds, G.: The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Childhood. Oxford Handbooks Collection. Oxford: oup, pp. 557-573.
Justel, D. (2012): Niños en la Antigüedad. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias.
Kay, J. (2016): "Children's Burials in Fifth-Century Britain and Connections to the Roman Past", Childhood in the Past: an international journal, 9 (2), pp. 86-108.
Laes, C. (2016): Children in the Roman Empire: Outsiders Within. Cambridge: cup.
Laes, C. (2017): Children and Everyday Life in the Roman and Late Antique World. London: Routledge.
Lally, M. y Moore, A. (eds.) (2011): (Re)Thinking the Little Ancestor: New Perspectives on the Archaeology of Infancy and Childhood. bar Intern. Ser., 2271. Oxford: Archaeopress.
Lambrugo, C. (ed.) (2019): Una favola breve. Archeologia e antropologia per la storia dell'infanzia. Collezione Materia e Arte. Sesto Fiorentino: All'Insegna del Giglio s.a.s.
Lillehammer, G. (1979): "Gjemt og glemt-Barn i fortiden", AmS- Småtrykk, 5, pp. 4-7.
Lillehammer, G. (1989): "A child is born. The child world in an archaeological perspective", Norwegian Archaeological Review, 22, pp. 89-105.
Lillehammer, G. (2010): "Archaeology of Childhood". En Infancia y cultura material en Arqueología. Complutum, 21 (2). Madrid: ucm, pp. 15-44.
Lillehammer, G. (2018): "The history of the Archaeology of Childhood". En Crawford, S.; Hadley, D. y Shepherds, G.: The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Childhood. Oxford Handbooks Collection. Oxford: oup, pp. 38-51.
Marshall, A. (2014): Être un enfant en Egypte ancienne. Mónaco: Éditions Le Rocher.
Marshall, A. (2015): Maternité et petite enfance en Egypte ancienne. Mónaco: Éditions du Rocher.
Marshall, A. (2018): L'enfant et la mort en Egypte an-cienne. Éditions Mondes Antiques. Toulouse.
Millet, M. y Gowland, R. (2015): "Infant and Child Burial Rites in Roman Britain: a Study from East Yorkshire", Britannia, 46, pp. 171-189.
Moore, A. (2009): "Hearth and Home: The burial of infants within Romano-British domestic contexts", Childhood in the Past, 2 (1), pp. 33-54.
Murphy, E. y Le Roy, M. (2017): Children, Death, and Burial: Archaeological Discourses. Society for the Study of Past Childhood Monograph Series, 5. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Nenna, M. D. (2012): L'Enfant et la mort dans l'Antiquité, ii. Types de tombes et traitement du corps des enfants dans l'antiquité gréco-romaine. Actes Table Ronde Internationale organisée à Alexandrie (Centre d'Études Alexandrines, 2009). Alexandrie: Centre d'Études Alexandrines.
Parkin, T. y Bell, R. (2013): The Oxford Handbook of Childhood and Education in Classical World. Oxford: oup.
Pereira, C. y Albuquerque, P. (2018): "Inumações infantis em ânfora na península ibérica durante a época romana: a prática e o rito", Spal, 27 (1), pp. 89-118.
Rawson, B. (2003): Children and Childhood in Roman Italy. Oxford: oup.
Redfern, R. (2018): "Feeding Infants from the Iron Age to the Early Medieval Period in Britain". En Crawford, S.
Hadley, D. y Shepherds, G. (2018): The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Childhood. Oxford Hand-books Collection. Oxford: oup, pp. 447-465.
Sánchez Romero, M. (coord.) (2010a): Infancia y cultura material en Arqueología. Complutum, 21 (2). Madrid.
Sánchez Romero, M. (2010b) "¡Eso no se toca!". En Infancia y cultura material en Arqueología. Complutum, 21 (2). Madrid: ucm, pp. 9-13.
Sánchez Romero, M.; Alarcón, E. y Aranda, G. (2015): Children, Spaces and Identity. Oxford.
Sánchez Romero, M. y Cid, R. (eds.) (2018): Motherhood and Infancies in the Mediterranean in Antiquity. Childhood in the Past Monograph Series. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Santis, A.; Van Kampen, I.; Panella, C.; Catalano, P.; Caldarini, C.; Battistini, A.; Pantano, W. B.; Minniti, C.; Celant, A.; Magri, D.; Ferrandes, A. y Romana, F. (2018): "Infant burials related to inhabited areas in Rome: new results for understanding socio cultural structures of an ancient community". En Tabolli, J. (ed.): From invisible to visible: Methods and Data for the Archaeology of Infant and Child Burials?in Pre-Roman Italy and Beyond. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, cxlix. Uppsala: Amstrom Editions, pp. 41-47.
Sevilla, A. (2011): "Mors Inmatura en el mundo romano: Provincia Tarraconensis", Anales de Arqueología Cordobesa, 21-22, pp. 197-219.
Sofaer Derevenski, J. (1996): "Perspectives on Children and Childhood", Archaeological Review from Cambridge, 13 (2), pp. 1-5.
Sofaer Derevenski, J. (2000): Children and material culture. London: Routledge.
Sofaer Derevenski, J. (2006): The body of material culture. Cambridge: cup.
Tabolli, J. (ed.) (2018): From invisible to visible: Methods and Data for the Archaeology of Infant and Child Burials?in Pre-Roman Italy and Beyond. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, cxlix. Uppsala: Amstrom Editions, pp. 41-47.
Vitale, L. (2018): "Gli spazi degli esclusi. Sepolture isolate d'infanti nell'Italia tardo-antica: il contributo della?ricerca archeologica". En Herring, E. y O'Donoghue, E.: Proceedings viith Conference of Italian Archaeology. Oxford: Archaeopress.
vv. aa. (1989): Inhumaciones infantiles en el ámbito mediterráneo español (ss. vii a. C. - ii d. C.). Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología Castellonenses, 14. Castellón.
Andújar Suárez, A. (2019). Visiones y revisiones de la infancia en la Antigüedad desde la Arqueología. Zephyrvs, 84, 227–236.
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