Money, Culture, and Well-Being in Rome’s Economic Development
- Referencias
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Bowman, A. K. y Wilson, A. I. (eds.) (2009): Quantifying the Roman Economy: Methods and Problems. Oxford Studies in the Roman Economy, 1. Oxford: oup.
Bransbourg, G. (2012): “Rome and the Economic Integration of Empire”, isaw Papers, 3 (; acceso 20/10/2019]).
Erdkamp, P. (2014): “How modern was the market economy of the Roman world?”, Oeconomia, 4 (2), pp. 225-235.
Hoyer, D. (2013): “Public feasting, elite competition, and the market economy of Roman North Africa”, The Journal of North African Studies, 18 (4), pp. 574-591.
Scheidel, W. y Friesen, S. J. (2009): “The size of the economy and the distribution of income in the Roman Empire”, Journal of Roman Studies, 99, pp. 61-91.
Temin, P. (2017): The Roman Market Economy. Princeton: pup.
Bransbourg, G. (2012): “Rome and the Economic Integration of Empire”, isaw Papers, 3 (; acceso 20/10/2019]).
Erdkamp, P. (2014): “How modern was the market economy of the Roman world?”, Oeconomia, 4 (2), pp. 225-235.
Hoyer, D. (2013): “Public feasting, elite competition, and the market economy of Roman North Africa”, The Journal of North African Studies, 18 (4), pp. 574-591.
Scheidel, W. y Friesen, S. J. (2009): “The size of the economy and the distribution of income in the Roman Empire”, Journal of Roman Studies, 99, pp. 61-91.
Temin, P. (2017): The Roman Market Economy. Princeton: pup.
Blázquez Cerrato, C. (2019). Money, Culture, and Well-Being in Rome’s Economic Development. Zephyrvs, 84, 244–236. Recuperado a partir de
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