Church, Society and Democracy. The Progressive Clergy as a Developing Factor of Francoism in Castilla y León, 1966-1975


The Second Vatican Council boosted the political commitment of young priests with experience in the movements of Catholic Action. The weak reception of the Council in Spain, its consequences in the relations between the church and the state and the opposition of the Francoism radicalized the performance and the message of these priests. In Castile and León, the actions of these clerics facilitated the dissemination of a democratic culture. To this they contributed the scarce tradition of workers struggle and the historical weight of the church. The actions of these priests prompted democratic reconciliation and weakened the historic struggle between catholicism and secularism.
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Berzal De La Rosa, E. (2018). Church, Society and Democracy. The Progressive Clergy as a Developing Factor of Francoism in Castilla y León, 1966-1975. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 36, 257–285.


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