New perspectives on democratization studies. The role of international actors. The international Socialist in Latin America (1974-1992)


The paper aims to revitalize the discussion on the role of the international dimensions of democratization processes in Latin America. Firstly, a series of theoretical arguments to extend the methodologies of study on the subject will be presented, emphasizing the interaction of actors from different nationalities. Secondly, I move forward with the results of an investigation into the importance of networks built around the Socialist International and how that impacted on the politics of that age. Finally I will present a research agenda on the possibilities of a recent history of transitions.
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Pedrosa, F. (2011). New perspectives on democratization studies. The role of international actors. The international Socialist in Latin America (1974-1992). Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 28, 71–95. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Fernando Pedrosa

Universidad de Belgrano
Universidad de Belgrano, Zabala 1837 (C1426DQG), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina)