The Brazilian police’s trade union freedom


The central objetives of this essay, entitled « The Brazilian police’s trade union freedom» are, at first, the exam of constitutional rules, related to the juridic reality of Brazilian labor union movement, in order to make evident the contradictions beetween rules and principles, regarding to civil servants, civil and military policemen. Secondly, contribute to the understanding of the reasons of the police to go or not to strikes and why they are agree or not with them. Furthermore the actual trade unions system and the historical and legal evolution of the pólice strikes is also tackled, making evident the actual rules. These aspects are considered the most important ones.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
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Gonzaga Farias, A. (2011). The Brazilian police’s trade union freedom. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 26. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Aureci Gonzaga Farias

Universidade Estadual da Paraíba-Brasil
Rua Cel. Figueiredo Salvino, S / N - Centro 58100-650, Campina Grande-PB (Brasil)