Rolling Up the Black Shirt: The Arrival of Fascism in the Hispanic Caribbean in the Mid-1920s


Fascism showed an expansive nature from its origens, spontaneously at the beginning and later under the auspices of the government of Rome, through the Secretary of the Fasci Italiani all'Estero. The Hispanic Caribbean was not inmune to this process and since the mid-1920s, by means of the Italian inmigrants, engaged in a net that connect their Italian hearts to the distant Motherland. The Fascio de las Antillas was organized from Rome and clustered the groups from Cuba, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico and, despite the number of Italian inmigrants could not be compared with other regions, it should not lose sight of the geostrategic advantages of this area for the fascist government of Italy. Relaying on family and business relationships mainly, fascism spread throughout the Greater Antilles.
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