The difficult balance between international legality and foreign policy

The participation of the Spanish Armed Forces in the 2003 us military intervention in Iraq

  • José Antonio Lorenzo Cuesta
    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (uned) eusal[at]


This article aims to demonstrate that the participation of the Spanish Armed Forces, carried out in 2003 in Iraqi territory, took place in a geostrategic scenario in which the us Administration wanted to consolidate its presence as the main actor in a world surrounded by complex international relations and after a century that both illuminated the disappearance of communism in the Soviet Union, as well as the consolidation of Islamic fundamentalism. By using synthetic and deductive methods, this work will lead to an understanding of the real scope of the presence of Spanish troops in Iraq, as well as its true political and strategic significance. After a tour of the different sections that make up this article, it can be concluded that Iraqi citizens were the only beneficiaries of this action, since bilateral foreign relations between Spain and the United States were particularly affected.
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  • Métricas
Lorenzo Cuesta, J. A. (2022). The difficult balance between international legality and foreign policy: The participation of the Spanish Armed Forces in the 2003 us military intervention in Iraq. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 39, 303–324.


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