Spanish interest towards Latin American and the Spanish accession to the European Community


This article reflects the author’s experience as a high official in the European Commission in charge of relations with Latin America once Spain became a member of today’s European Union. It makes some comments about a strategy document submitted to the Policy Planners Group within the European Political Cooperation by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the end of 1986. Planning is confronted with reality: a low level of interest in the European Commission towards Latin America, the existence of a wide variety of prejudices against Latin Americans and the possibilities which were open to a new member state to export towards the Community acquis its political interests within a spirit of cooperation and advancement of European positions worldwide.
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Viñas, Ángel. (2016). Spanish interest towards Latin American and the Spanish accession to the European Community. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 34, 115–141. Retrieved from


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