The Spanish Catholicism in the Civil War


This article examines some of publications of the last seven years. It focuses in particular on Cardinal Goma’s enormous collection of letters and writings. One can say nothing sensible about the relationship between Catholicism and the Civil War without reference to this work, which has been carefully edited and annotated. The Civil War period is considered within the context of the historical evolution of the Catholic Church in the preceding century. The hotly debated issue of Catholic martyrs during the War is placed within Spanish coordinates without neglecting to make international comparisons.
  • Referencias
  • Cómo citar
  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Cuenca Toribio, J. M. (2014). The Spanish Catholicism in the Civil War. Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 32, 239–250. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Jose Manuel Cuenca Toribio

Universidad de Córdoba
Departamento: Historia Moderna, Contemporánea y de AméricaDirección postal: Plaza del Cardenal Salazar s/n. 14071 CórdobaTeléfono / fax: 957 21 87 57 /957 21 87 88