Chagas. From Exotic Tropical Disease to Pathology Globalized

  • Beatriz Basso
    Universidad Nacional de Córdoba ebi[at]
  • Edgardo Moretti
    Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Chagas disease, whose aetiological agent is Trypanosoma cruzi, is one of the main endemic diseases in Latin America, ranking fourth regarding the number of lost life years due to death or disability in the area; nevertheless, it is among the so-called “neglected diseases”. Despite its rural origin, where it is transmitted through vector insects belonging to the Reduviidae family, it has nowadays also become a problem in urbanized areas and is becoming globalized through inter-human transmission, above all congenital, but also through transfusions and transplants. Chagas, a Hidden Affliction (Chagas, Un mal escondido), a documentary by Ricardo Preve, focuses on both aspects of the disease: the rural and the global one, including interviews with North American doctors and European researchers. A significant part of the film takes place in the USA, showing the worst consequence of the evolution of the disease, which is death by chagasic cardiopathy which, being a reality that takes place during filming, increases the sense of drama. In this paper we approach specific topics related to Chagas disease from a biomedical point of view, including comments related to the highlights of the film that are connected with such aspects. Towards the end, there is mention of the film Houses of Fire (Casas de fuego) and of certain illustrative aspects concerning the life of Dr Salvador Mazza and the Argentine Mission of Regional Pathology Studies (MEPRA), topics that have already been dealt with in this. 
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Basso, B., & Moretti, E. (2012). Chagas. From Exotic Tropical Disease to Pathology Globalized. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 8(1), 4–11. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Beatriz Basso

Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Güemes 383, 5000 Cordoba (Argentina)

Edgardo Moretti

Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Güemes 383, 5000 Cordoba (Argentina)