The Dubbing of «Poliphony» in Cinema: the Presence of Foreign Languages and their Accents

  • María Carmen Gómez Pérez
    Universidad Complutense de Madrid / Profesora en el Grado de Traducción e Interpretación margom04[at]


The constraints imposed by audiovisual translation in the modality of dubbing include the presence of foreign languages in the original version, the so-called «third-languages», as well as the use of real or fake accents to depict characters. This situation, which we refer to as a «polyphonic problem» allows us to observe how different cultures compare their strengths by promoting or rejecting the use of foreign languages and accents. In order to analyze this interesting process, we have selected a film in which we can describe the weight of German versus American English in the original version and the way in which this representation effect has been addressed in the version dubbed into Spanish. The selected film is The Book Thief (2013).
  • Referencias
  • Cómo citar
  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Agost, Rosa. 1999. Traducción y doblaje: palabras, voces e imágenes. Barcelona: Ariel.

Blanco López, David. 2018. Entrevista personal. 22 octubre de 2018.

Chaume, Frederic. 2004. Cine y traducción. Madrid: Cátedra.

Casablanca. 1942. Dirigida por Michael Curtiz. Warner Home Video, 2012. DVD.

La ladrona de libros. 2013. Dirigida por Bryan Percival. 20th Century Fox, 2013. DVD.

Lepenies, Wolf. 2008. La seducción de la cultura en la historia alemana. [orig. The seduction of culture in German History] Traducido por Jaime Blasco Castañeyra Madrid: Akal.

Zabalbeascoa, Patrick. 2014a. El texto audiovisual. Sevilla: ISTRAD.

Zabalbeascoa, Patrick. 2014b. Las terceras lenguas en la traducción audiovisual. Sevilla: ISTRAD. <>.
Gómez Pérez, M. C. (2018). The Dubbing of «Poliphony» in Cinema: the Presence of Foreign Languages and their Accents. CLINA Revista Interdisciplinaria De Traducción Interpretación Y Comunicación Intercultural, 4(2), 13–26.


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