The afromexican boat

memory and resistance


Based on anthropological research in the afromexican communities in Costa Chica, this proposition aims to discuss an aspect of the afromexican identity: its memorial constructions. In a context of the rise of organizations of afrodescents in Latin America, Mexico has a particularly history and political situation. The national narrative had not built a national afromexican subject but a mestizo subject. We observe from a local perspective, the construction of a memory expressed by a narrative which situates the origins of afromexicans in various shipwreck. Firstly, we propose to establish the specificities of the political situation of afromexicans. Secondly, we give ethnographical details. Finally, we argue theses narratives of shipwreck are memory and resistance which use the decisive figure of the ship.
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Mvengou Cruzmerino, P. R. (2016). The afromexican boat: memory and resistance. Revista Euroamericana De Antropología, (3), 90–97. Retrieved from


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