Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Artvertising or Art as a Strategy in Advertising: The Case of the ‘Preciobajismo’ Campaign of the Lidl Company


Art is a powerful means of communication used in many advertising campaigns to attract, generally, exclusivity values exclusivity to the advertised product. This text analyses a specific campaign where art is used as a slogan to refer to the low price by communicating that the product does not lose quality. This is the campaign ‘Preciobajismo’, carried out for the Lidl chain in Spain. By means of a discourse analysis, we study how the concept of art has been introduced in this campaign. The aim is to illustrate different materializations of intertextuality art - advertising in a campaign, which, a priori, seems to be removed from the usual prestige sense of the use of art in advertising. In general, it could be said that in this campaign all types of art-advertising intertextuality described by reference authors appear, raising the specific relation of the product with art. Thus, the spot identifies, represents, mentions or suggests specific artists, works, movements and museums. Likewise, Lidl presents an artistic movement associated with the reason of its entity and its campaign: its low prices, through the fictional movement ‘Preciobajismo’, presenting all the variables of any artistic movement: name, philosophy, place, artists, critics and works of art.
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Jiménez Marín, G., & Bellido Pérez, E. (2020). Artvertising or Art as a Strategy in Advertising: The Case of the ‘Preciobajismo’ Campaign of the Lidl Company. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, (21), 18.

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Author Biography

Gloria Jiménez Marín

Universidad de Sevilla
Dpto. de Comunicación audiovisual y publicidadVicedecana de prácticas en empresas y estudiantes