Region, Nation, and Locality: Collective Identities in Latin America


This research note aims to elucidate some of the characteristics of identities in contemporary Latin America, as revealed by the results of the survey The Americas and the World 2014-2015. Resorting to the available data on Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru, this research note presents the survey’s findings regarding supranational, national, and local identities and offers an initial approach to their interpretation. As a result of this exercise, the paper outlines important points of convergence of public attitudes in Latin American societies and points out national specificities that should be kept in mind and further studied, with a view to expanding our knowledge about collective identities and their possible relationship with the various integration and regionalization processes in Latin America.
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Author Biography

Beatriz Zepeda

El Colegio de México
Profesora-Investigadora en el Centro de Estudios Internacionales