The Spanish Imperial Nation. Crisis and recomposition in the Atlantic World


Between 1750 and 1810 a project for a Spanish Nation which took into account the constitutional tradition coming from the Hapsburg negotiated Empire expressed the possibility of a federation of provinces, just when the Napoleonic troops invaded the Iberian Peninsula. The independence of Spanish America therefore was the result of a crisis in the political centre. But it was just one of many possibilities of reorganization after the crisis that began in 1808 and concluded with the battle of Ayacucho in 1824.
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Lucena Giraldo, M. (2012). The Spanish Imperial Nation. Crisis and recomposition in the Atlantic World. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 12, 67–78. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Manuel Lucena Giraldo

Centro de ciencias humanas y sociales, CSIC
Calle de Albasanz, 26  28037 Madrid