First Record of Chitracephalus Dumonii (Testudines: Pleurodira; Early Cretaceous) in Central Europe and the Rise of Matamata-Like Turtles

  • Hans-Volker Karl
    University of Göttingen hvkarl[at]
  • Elke Gröning
    Clausthal University of Technology
  • Carsten Brauckmann
    Clausthal University of Technology
  • Mike Reich
    University of Göttingen


Here we describe the first record of the turtle Chitracephalus dumonii Dollo, 1884 (syn. ?Salasemys pulcherrima Fuentes Vidarte et al., 2003) from Early Cretaceous (Berriasian) deposits in northwestern Germany. Several carapace remains have been found within the material collected by h. f. w. Grabbe in the the early 1880s, deposited in the Geoscience Centre of the Göttingen University, which show typical morphological characters of this species. It represents the stratigraphically oldest representative of Chitracephalus (syn. ?Salasemys). The supposed phylogenetic relationship of this species in the relation to the Late Jurassic Platycephalus oberndorferi wagner, 1853 (Platychelidae) and the modern Chelus fimbriatus Schneider, 1783 (Chelidae) is discussed.
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Karl, H.-V., Gröning, E., Brauckmann, C., & Reich, M. (2012). First Record of Chitracephalus Dumonii (Testudines: Pleurodira; Early Cretaceous) in Central Europe and the Rise of Matamata-Like Turtles. Studia Palaeocheloniologica Salmanticensia, 9, 73–86. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Hans-Volker Karl

University of Göttingen
Geoscience Centre of the University of Göttingen. Division Geo-Biology. Goldschmidt Str. 3. D-37077 Göttingen, Germany

Elke Gröning

Clausthal University of Technology
Institute of Geology and Palaeontology. Clausthal University of Technology. Leibnizstrasse 10. D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld (Alemania).

Carsten Brauckmann

Clausthal University of Technology
Institute of Geology and Palaeontology. Clausthal University of Technology. Leibnizstrasse 10. D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld (Alemania).

Mike Reich

University of Göttingen
Geoscience Centre of the University of Göttingen. Department of Geobiology. Goldschmidtstrasse 3. D-37077 Göttingen, (Alemania)