We are immigrants only in the eyes of others. I am not an immigrant in my own eyes. Intercultural representations of three diasporic writers


Through a study of three literary texts, we question the ideological construction of «migration literature» in its role as «enriching complement» to «national» literatures. The authors studied (of Moroccan origin) both subvert and consolidate the discursive construct «migrant» through the use of creative/ productive stereotypes which interact with and subvert the social imaginary and dominant discursive representations. Our intercultural and imagological study therefore calls into question binary representations and interrogates the image of foreigner/native in integration and migration debates. Furthermore, the texts point to the thorny Spanish-Moroccan history and its omnipresence in the identity constructions of self and other.
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Nisha Akaloo, N. (2013). We are immigrants only in the eyes of others. I am not an immigrant in my own eyes. Intercultural representations of three diasporic writers. 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 2, 257–268. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/dos/index.php/1616_Anuario_Literatura_Comp/article/view/9489


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