Sociology and Comparative Literature: A Path to Follow


From middle of the 20th century, the literary sciences have tried to find links with other disciplines that allow them to overcome the immanent analyses of the literary text and to insert it into its sociocultural context, making it possible to arrive at explanations and representations with holistic vocation. The starting point is the belief that the literary text transcends it as far as it proceeds and reverts onto his social space. The present paper tries to present a sociological functional-structural evolved theory, based on Parsons, and to put it in relation with epistemological possibilities that this theory offers to the literary sciences, in general, and to those of the compared literature in particular. For this reason it will be necessary to focus on development that some sociological theories applied to the literature have had over the last decades.
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Parada, A. (2013). Sociology and Comparative Literature: A Path to Follow. 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 2, 209–230. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Arturo Parada

Universidad de Vigo
Facultad de Filología y Traducción. Universidad de Vigo. Despacho 54C - Campus Universitario. E-36310 Vigo (España)