Critical Utopias: World Literature according to Spanish America


I introduce the main theoretical notions of contemporary World Literature and debate the mostly negative reception of the World Literature paradigm among Spanish American critics. As a counterpoint, I briefly mention some of the successful critical work currently being done in Spanish America that falls under the rubric of World Literature. I then contextualize and summarize the contributions to this issue.
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De Ferrari, G. D. F. (2013). Critical Utopias: World Literature according to Spanish America. 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 2, 15–32. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Guillermina DE FERRARI De Ferrari

University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Spanish & Portuguese | College of Letters & Sciences | University of Wisconsin-Madison. 1018 Van Hise Hall | 1220 Linden Drive | Madison, WI 53706-1557 (Estados Unidos)