The Inner and Outer Journey of Female Characters in Laetitia Colombani’s works of fiction: La tresse and Le cerf-volant


Within the framework of contemporary intercultural literature, Laetitia Colombani, of Corsican origin and born in Bordeaux in 1976, illustrates the phenomenon of displacement with two stories, La tresse (2017) and Le cerf-volant (2021). If the first novel begins the journey that the protagonist makes from the north to the south of India to achieve the dream that the women of previous generations have not been able to fulfill; in the second novel, the journey has culminated and in South India the daughter of the protagonist can start a new life with access to education thanks to the social commitment of another female character from Europe with the aim of restarting a new life. Laetitia Colombani knows how to find the essence of the inner and outer journey; in both stories the experience of the most disadvantaged women in India is projected and the symbolic journey towards openness and social transformation is perceived.
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Alfaro Amieiro, M. (2023). The Inner and Outer Journey of Female Characters in Laetitia Colombani’s works of fiction: La tresse and Le cerf-volant. 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 13, 13–36.


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