The Fictional Theories in the Marvellous Realism. Towards an Extensional-Semantic Genre Definition

  • Raquel Martínez Ballestrín
    Universidad de Alicante


The world model’s structure of Marvellous Realism is characterized by the coexistence of natural and supernatural elements. However, this convergence doesn’t induce into an antagonism between both realities, and it allows an assessment of verisimilitude of the novel. Nevertheless, the genre has been studied from an immanentistic analysis that hasn’t been able to explain the extensional-semantic composition of this world model and its fictional pact. Conversely, the fictional theories allow us to characterize the genre from the elements that constitute the model world developed in these novels and their reception. For this reason, we accomplish the study of Marvellous Realism taking into count the pragmatic construction of the modalities used for the analysis. From these considerations we obtain a first descriptive proposal of the magical realism world model beginning with its inclusion in the dyadic worlds.
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Martínez Ballestrín, R. (2022). The Fictional Theories in the Marvellous Realism. Towards an Extensional-Semantic Genre Definition. 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 12, 251–273.


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