The Supernatural Imagination in the Critical Texts of Three Poets of the Generation of ’27

  • Camila Palacios Amézquita
    Universidad Nacional de Colombia


In this article I study and compare the use of some supernatural images that I have traced in some of the critical work of Luis Cernuda, Federico García Lorca and Jorge Guillén. In the central section, the analyzed images –muse, angel, demon, mermaid and duende– refer to the psychology of literary invention. I also refer to some minor images –ghosts, cyclops– that these poets-critics use to talk about the poet himself and his work. I maintain that all these images arise as a consequence of readings and contacts with romanticism and surrealism, which are widely studied in the introduction to this article; but also as a product of a way of seeing and understanding the world that responds to the historical moment of Spain at the beginning of the 20th century.
  • Referencias
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Palacios Amézquita, C. (2022). The Supernatural Imagination in the Critical Texts of Three Poets of the Generation of ’27. 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 12, 181–202.


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