Counter-returns: Nation and Cosmopolitanism in the Spanish Exile

  • Antonio Gómez L-Quiñones
    Dartmouth College


In this essay, I argue that the Spanish literature in exile needs to be reinterpreted against two models of literary historiography and hermeneutics, namely, the national(ist) and the cosmopolitan. The former one aspires to repatriate this literary production while the latter one celebrates its extra-territoriality, its nonbelonging to any national canon. Despite the efforts to renationalize this narrative, poetry, and theater since the early 1980s, this textual corpus occupies a liminal, precarious, and ambiguous position within the Spanish Literature. On the other hand, its cosmopolitan celebration incurs in simplifications, and obviates important political and cultural problems. These writings produced in exile find themselves in the following unstable impasse: a constant but impossible return. From the perspective of this conceptual framework, I analyze an essay by Francisco Ayala, a short story by Max Aub, and two poems by Concha Méndez and Marina Moreno.
  • Referencias
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Gómez L-Quiñones, A. (2022). Counter-returns: Nation and Cosmopolitanism in the Spanish Exile. 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 12, 129–154.


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